2019/20 Art Direction, Graphic Design, Animation
I was tasked with creating the visual identity for a new platform for empowerment and participation, initiated by the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Germany's Federal Agency for Civic Education) and produced by KOOPERATIVE Berlin.
SAY MY NAME aims to reach young people between 14 and 25. Their web series, created in cooperation with various content creators, educates their viewers on values like diversity, respect, emancipation, equality and solidarity via YouTube. On Instagram, they post further informative and shareable content, already reaching nearly 30,000 viewers.
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Animation
I was tasked with creating the visual identity for a new platform for empowerment and participation, initiated by the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Germany's Federal Agency for Civic Education) and produced by KOOPERATIVE Berlin.
SAY MY NAME aims to reach young people between 14 and 25. Their web series, created in cooperation with various content creators, educates their viewers on values like diversity, respect, emancipation, equality and solidarity via YouTube. On Instagram, they post further informative and shareable content, already reaching nearly 30,000 viewers.